Fran and Rusty

Monday, June 8, 2009

From Goodspeed’s The Biographies of Weakley County, Tennessee

C. J. Tully is a son of Michael and Eliza (Nolan) Tully, was born in Albany N. Y., in 1854, and is one of ten children. The father was a native of Ireland, being

born about 1828. His mother died when he was quite small, and, in consequence, his early education was somewhat limited. When about twenty-four years of age he

immigrated to America, and located in Albany, N. Y. Here he married in 1852, and remained about five years, and then removed to Chicago, Ill., where he died in 1885. The mother is still residing in Chicago. The subject of our sketch received his education in Chicago. He began working at his trade, as an employee, at the age of eleven years, and in 1868 went to Benton Harbor, Mich., and was engaged in

fruit tree grafting, and in working at his trade. In 1874 he was married to Katie Pender, of Benton Harbor, by whom he had two children: Katie and Eddie. Mrs. Tully

died about 1877, and in 1881 Mr. Tully removed to South Haven, Mich., and in company with I. T. Pierce and T. A. Shaffer, opened their fruit package manufactory, continuing about six months, when Mr. Shaffer retired from the

business, and about four years later, our subject did the same. November  17, 1884, Mr. Tully married Jennie, daughter of Admiral Bartholomew, of South Haven, Mich. They have one child - Jennie. In the fall of 1885 Mr. Tully came to Greenfield, and purchased a one-third interest in the Tennessee Box and Basket Manufactory, at that place. The firm is doing a thriving business, and is engaged

in an occupation that has already proven itself to be of inestimable value to the town and county. They give employment to, about thirty-five men and boys. Mr.

Tully is conservative in politics, and he and wife are members of the Catholic Church, the latter being born in Holland, in 1865.


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